A web hosting reseller plan is an exceptional opportunity for
many internet based businesses, especially those that engage in
website development or internet business consulting. Basically, a
web hosting reseller plan enables you to become a web host
without the enormous investment in equipment that is generally
associated with launching a web hosting company.
Joining a web hosting reseller plan is an easy way to generate
additional income from your website by offering services that are
high in demand in the world of internet business.
As a participant in a web hosting reseller plan, you generally
have the capability of hosting multiple websites. You have the
control to create your very own web hosting packages and to set
your own prices.
There is no reason really for your clients to know that you are
not an independent hosting company because you generally have
your own web hosting control panel that you administer online to
set up web hosting packages for your clients.
You generally pay a monthly fee to the hosting provider for your
web hosting reseller plan. The monthly fees are generally set
based on the amount of space and bandwidth that you require.
Some web hosting reseller plans provide turnkey opportunities
including not only the web hosting space that naturally comes
with a web hosting reseller plan, but also administrative tools
that make it easy for you to jump right into web hosting without
investing in equipment and software.
Common additions to a web hosting reseller plan that is a turnkey
business opportunity include billing solutions, merchant
accounts, website templates and domain reseller accounts. With
such web hosting reseller plan options, you can literally start a
web hosting company immediately.
A web hosting reseller plan may be an option for you if you are
looking to start your own web hosting business, or it may be an
excellent supplement to your existing internet business.
If you choose to offer your customers web hosting services
through a web hosting reseller plan, there are a few things to
consider when selecting a web hosting reseller plan that will
provide a high-quality of service.
After all, when you are relying on a third party to provide the
services that you resell through the web hosting reseller plan,
your business reputation is on the line, so you need to make sure
that the provider of the web hosting reseller plan meets your
standards for quality and service.
A company offering you a web hosting reseller plan should provide
you with comprehensive training regarding the administration of
your web hosting services. You should be provided with a web-
based control panel through which you can manage your web hosting
services. Your customers that you sign up through your web
hosting reseller plan should also have access to a web-based
control panel that empowers them to manage their own website.
The customers should have the ability to upload their website, to
make changes to it as needed, to create sub-domains and email
addresses and to set up or change their own passwords as well as
being able to create alias email addresses and auto-responders.
The provider of your web hosting reseller plan should offer
twenty-four hour technical support in case you need assistance to
meet your customers’ demands for service and support. Depending
upon the level of web hosting services you intend to provide your
clients through your web hosting reseller plan, it may be
important for your provider to have dedicated server
Your web hosting reseller plan provider should also have security
features built into the web hosting packages that ensure your
customers’ online transactions are safe and secure. They should
guaranty at least 99% uptime and should have procedures in place
that backup the web hosting servers regularly, preferably with
backups stored in a remote location. Offering a variety of
scripts and software options as well as FTP capabilities can also
be important aspects of a web hosting reseller plan.
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