Rita Wilhelm runs one of the top gift basket businesses in the US. In the Gift Basket Connectory she has compiled a large variety of resources to assist newcomers in starting their own successful businesses.
Membership at Wilhelm’s Gift Basket Connectory gives those interested in learning about the business access to the most comprehensive range of relevant resources and information available online. In the resources that she has put together she shares her secrets and has compiled her years of experience and knowledge so that you can get started right without making the mistakes that so many newcomers to the industry have made.
The knowledge base that she has created is both strong on the practical side of product creation as well as the business side resulting in well rounded information that can fast-track any amateur or hobbyist straight to the mindset of a gift basket professional.
The kit includes videos that teach you how to make professional gift baskets right from scratch and offers insights into which baskets sell better than others and how you should go about pricing and advertising your creations. She outlines some of the start-up considerations that new players should be aware of and sets out an action plan to guide beginners through everything step by step.
Wilhelm is an expert at winning corporate clients and she outlines a complete approach about how to go about establishing and maintaining these lucrative relationships. She also includes detailed information about how to market your gift baskets on the Internet.
The Gift Basket Connectory includes brochure templates, website templates, business forms and a list of wholesale suppliers.
The package also includes access to an industry marketplace as well as one of the largest gift basket business forums on the Internet with over 58,000 posts.
Currently priced at $129 as an annual membership fee, it comes with a 60 day money-back guarantee.
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