When I began writing company reviews, I had never heard of 4Life. I found them through their association with the Direct Sales Association.
I want to state that I am in no way affiliated with 4Life. I began writing reviews of companies when others kept coming to me asking if I knew about a specific company and what my thoughts were.
When I do review a company, my first stop is always at their corporate website. Their site states that they’ve been in business for ten years on one page and then on another page says “4Life® got its start in the early 1990s when David Lisonbee, CEO and Founder, unearthed an obscure reference to a patent for something called Transfer Factors.” As I read other, independent websites many people stated the company has been around since 1998. So the actual start date remains a mystery to me.
The next thing I look for in a company is their product line. I went to the “products” tab on the corporate site and found that this company sells a line of nutritional products. I saw women’s products, men’s products, weight loss products and much more. I was very pleased to see that each product came with a description and a price.
As I clicked through the site on the products, it appears that in order to buy the products from the corporate site, you must join the company and agree to a forced monthly shipment.
I did several web searches to see if I could find a way to buy the products through an independent distributor and I came up empty. I was not able to find any sites belonging to distributors for 4Life.
Now I wanted to see their opportunity. I found the corporate site to be lacking in information. I did find a policy and procedures page and was surprised to read that distributors may only use company materials to promote the products and business. They may not create their own website, use their own flyers or use their own ads. Anything the distributor wants to use must be company approved.
All network companies require the purchase of a starter kit. I was not able to find the price of this kit from the corporate site. The policy and procedures mentioned the starter kit but the price was not listed. On the corporate site you must fill out your name and address to get to a page that discusses the kits and fees. I chose not to fill that page out. They do however offer a video tutorial on filling out the application. On the video they showed their diamond package which is just over $500 to begin.
It appears from their site that placing an order each and every month is mandatory. They have assigned a point value to their products so I’m unclear on the dollar amount of the mandatory order.
Based on what I found I would suggest asking the following questions if you are considering this company:
1. What is the start up fee and what do I get for that fee?
2. What is the required monthly purchase and what if I don’t need/want products one month?
3. How do I sell the products? Remember, I found no distributor sites offering these products.
I am not suggesting you do or don’t join this company. I am only sharing what I found when I personally researched the company and how to join.
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