Home Space NASA Technology at Work in Foam Memory Pillows to Give You Great Sleep!

NASA Technology at Work in Foam Memory Pillows to Give You Great Sleep!

NASA Technology at Work in Foam Memory Pillows to Give You Great Sleep!


More than three decades ago, a material was created by NASA which was made from synthetic polyurethane. This material was later made use of in the manufacture of foam memory pillows.

Of great help to astronauts. Astronauts are confronted with something known as G-forces. These forces result in bringing tremendous extra pressure loads on the body. NASA engineers were constantly on the look out for a material that would help and support astronauts with regards to these G-forces. And in this new found material, they discovered just what they had been looking for.

The turn of the consumer. It was 20 years after the discovery of this material, that it was used for commercial applications. And so came about the likes of foam products such as: mattresses, pillows and mattress toppers.

All of these were developed with the main purpose of relieving pressure points and giving support to the body, when the person is asleep.

Normal pillows are just not good enough. The normal everyday pillow that is used by most people was proved to be not good enough and provided just minimal support and also it lost its shape as a result of a person tossing and turning about while sleeping. This was a kind of similar situation to that faced by astronauts who experienced the very same principles of pressure and conformity to their bodies.

The solution was at hand. Thus was introduced the concept of memory foam pillows which proved to be absolutely terrific for restless sleepers. The special qualities that were inherent in the memory foam materials made way for the contours of the neck and head of a person lying on it, to be matched with that of the pillow.

Every movement of the person sleeping provides a fit to match to perfection – offering the maximum support and great sleep, as can only be seen in foam memory pillows!


Source by Marline Tepper

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