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Monumental Apollo Hoax

Monumental Apollo Hoax


For the past several days the media seems to have gone euphoric about the giant leap that was supposedly made by the humanity forty years ago on July, 21st when the man ‘first stepped on the moon’. This is more so because the India’s very first lunar probe is facing a serious technical glitch which may jeopardize the entire mission and bring it to a premature halt. It was on July16th, 1969; America would hold it’s breath.

Countdown had started at Kennedy Space Centre. It was not many seconds before the Apollo 11th blasted into space on a 250,000 miles journey to the moon for 8 long days. Astronauts saw the spectacular views of earth florid in a weightless environment. They were going supposedly to a place where no men had gone before. Neil Armstrong was shown opening the hatch. He would slowly step down the small ladder and on to the moon surface. He uttered unforgettable words,’ it is a small step for man, a giant leap for mankind.’

The world greeted the event as path breaking. As the people could not believe their eyes, the NASA drew encomiums from people all over the world. The small step for man and a giant leap for mankind all were based on the faith and confidence that the world reposed on NASA and in effect the USA, the superpower. But then it soon transpired that the future of the space program at NASA, the world’s premier space agency, grew uncertain. Human space flight, in particular, became a contentious and a divisive issue. After the triumph of sending man to the moon, cancellation of the Apollo project 3 years later gave people to understand that the glory of past of humans landing on the moon would never again be regained.

A large section of people, who from the very start refused to buy the theory, that the moon landing ever took place, had all the reasons to advocate the conspiracy theory that the landing of man on moon was nothing but a hoax. According to this theory man did not at all land on moon and for some obvious reasons would not in future be able to land on moon. The conspiracy theory, which bases its arguments on the examination of government follow ups, films, evidences as also for example the suspicious death of 10 astronauts in the span of few years. As the footage of Apollo-11 and other suchlike missions, shown during and after the voyage, is claimed to be infested with a series of inconsistencies, the experts therefore seem to find no reason not to dismiss the voyage as a great hoax of all times.

Brill Kaysing, an analyst who was associated with the company, that designed Apollo rockets, is one of the leading investigative journalists who have worked on the conspiracy theory. On the basis of his examination of the films and evidences in the footage of the Apollo mission he has several questions that require answer. For example, as he watched the footage with his experience, the latter made him skeptic about what was shown was not real. Much to his surprise the stars were conspicuously missing in the Apollo footage despite deep space in black lunar sky.

Way back in 1950s Americans and Russians were both locked in a struggle to achieve the supremacy in the mission of landing on the moon. The USSR terrified the USA by sending Sputnik, the first spacecraft, to the moon in the year1957. Avalanched with the apprehensions about Russian plans of making the moon as possible missile base, the American mission was still in disarray and the chances of sending man on the moon remote. As Brill Kaysing would claim that the NASA therefore worked on the strategy ‘if you can’t make it fake it’. This is why; according to him blasting of Apollo was real but not sending of the astronauts. They orbited around the earth for eight days and in a typical 1978 movie set (Capricorn-I) fake landed and simulated the scenes with all the technology available (Paul Lazarus, the producer of the movie).

According to the experts the scenes of landing on the moon were created and simulated in the Area-51, the barren high desert in the USA. The area is said to be highly guarded and trespassers could be shot at without warning. As the astronauts themselves acknowledge the similarity between the terrains of the moon and the desert (craters are similar– even same–to those found on the moon) the moon sets used during Apollo missions are thought to still exist in the desert.

Much to the surprise of the experts of the theory, the Lunar Excursion Model, the LEM that landed on the moon on July, 20th should do so with a possible thrust of 10,000lbs to create a blast crater. No blast crater is visible in any of the 6 Apollo landings on the moon. In view of the dusty lunar surface the blasted dust expected to have landed on the foot pads of the Lander is simply absent. As the footage show the footprints still present there, the experts claim that the scene was simulated in the movie set on the earth. To top it off the absence of the exhaust flow during the departure, they opine, is suggestive of the use of props to the lunar module in a typical movie set. The engine noise at the time of running rocket is expected to be around a decibel level ranging around 140-150. Experts (like Ralph Rene) challenge as to how the voices of the astronauts could be heard against the background in such an enormous noise level.

Temperature on the moon is said to be around 250 degrees Celsius during the exposure to the sun and minus 250 degree Celsius on a dark day. Experts denounce the NASA claim saying that given the composition of the space suits used by the astronauts the latter could not survive the hostile temperature on the moon surface.

Inside the magnetosphere 500 miles above earth, on way to the moon, are the Van Allen radiation belts, named for the American physicist James A. Van Allen who discovered them in 1958. The Van Allen belts are regions where charged particles from the Sun and from cosmic rays are trapped and sent into spiral paths along the lines of Earth’s magnetic field. The radiation belts shield the Earth’s surface from these highly energetic particles. Occasionally, however, due to extremely strong magnetic fields on the Sun’s surface, which are visible as sunspots, a brief burst of highly energetic particles streams along with the solar wind.

Because Earth’s magnetic field lines converge and are closest to the surface at the poles, some of these energetic particles sneak through and interact with Earth’s atmosphere, creating the phenomenon known as an aurora. Any body passing through the thousands of miles thick belt is bound to get killed. Other than in Apollo no man mission has ever crossed the belt. Astronauts dressed in the aluminum film along with some fiber glass material and the like in the Apollo 16 mission on the date, when the magnetic storm is supposed to have flooded the space with 10,000 times more radiation, can not be expected to have escaped the adversity. Realizing this all, the experts state that Russians have till date avoided sending men outside space and have no such plans in future even.

Brain Welch, Bart Siberal and David Percy, the experts on photography on landing on the moon are critical of the grainy images which according to them are deliberate to hide the realities. As they doubt the authenticity of the images of walking astronauts on the moon surface the experts claim that the still images that were shown to the world were staged and even doctored. The Sun being the only source of light on the moon surface, the shadows expected are parallel, east-west and not intersecting each other.

As the photographs taken reveal the shadows intersecting each other, the experts simply claim, that the images are taken on earth under simulation under the arranged/artificial light sources. To prove their point the experts claim that the body of the astronaut silhouetted on the dark side should have been shrouded in total darkness, but in these images not only is his body visible but the words United States embossed on the Lander are also crisp and clear. Besides, the pictorial anomalies like the same scenes with similar backgrounds appear to be there on two different days even though at a distance of 2 ½ miles apart. As NASA refutes the anomaly, the superimposition of the 2 scenes reveal that the places were the same. The availability of the base and the lunar modules on the surface of moon support their claim as a case of bad editing and failure of effective doctoring (of evidences). The cross hair located at the varied places in different images turns out to be the last nail in the coffin.

Lastly about 10 astronauts including C. Kristen and Thomas Ronald, amongst many others are claimed to have been silenced in arranged fake deaths for the reason that these fellows knew the truth and could blow the whistle on the NASA. The experts (like Bill Kaysing) vehemently support the conspiracy theory of the landing of humans on moon as a monumental hoax. According to them the footage shows the astronauts struggling in their attempt to plant the US flag which surprising was waving when there is no atmosphere and therefore wind on the moon. These experts simply claim that the failure to apply proper mind resulted in such an anomaly when the scene of planting the US flag was simulated at the desert at Area 51 in the wind blast.

Reacting to the unconvincing replies of the NASA, the experts hold that should a powerful telescope sufficient enough to peep into the surface of the moon is made available the claims of the NASA could be ascertained. They claim that the remains of the mission, that include robotic machines, Landers, American flag and the like, must all still be there on the surface of the moon to prove that the Apollo mission was not fake and simulated in the Area-51 in the USA, as a part of the biggest hoax of 20th century.


Source by Tajamul Hussain

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