USANA Business Review – What it Takes to Be a Successful Distributor

USANA is not a scam. I recognize there was a complaint filed against them with claims that they are running a pyramid scheme. These previous USANA distributors that sued them were absolutely misinformed. That’s all. We are not part of USANA, so we have no incentives in saying that USANA is not a scam.

Furthermore on this USANA review, one of the main reason why we like USANA business is that they have been around for a while. This company was founded in 1992 and they are relevant still today. If anything, you avoided the rough time which each Network Marketing corporation went through in particular at the start up stage.

USANA markets healthiness associated products. This is somewhat a good thing. You can not go wrong with a wellness-related business. Wellbeing industry is on the increase at a very fast pace now. The USANA business will put you in a position to get a piece of the pie.

There is also a downside to marketing health products. Right now, I can identify at least 10 Network Marketing companies currently in operation that are marketing various form of health product. Everybody are marketing vitamins, minerals, antioxidants etc. In my opinion, innovation, in terms of the products, is very crucial.

When talking about the USANA Inc. compensation structure it is very similar to some of the companies out there. They mainly follow the binary structure; where you are basically building two legs. A positive side to this is that you get compensated to deeper levels.

However, there is a disadvantage to the USANA binary compensation structure. There is a limit on how much sales volume you can make cash on in a certain period. I believe the sum of money you earn should be based exclusively on you and your team’s endeavor. Limiting how much volume you can get paid on makes no sense to me even though, the extra payment is transferred to later date.

With USANA venture, can you earn a lot of money? Absolutely you can earn a whole lot of money with them only if you become skilled at a crucial skill.

What USANA will not tell you or teach you.

USANA training method is the only disappointing part of this business opportunity. USANA is not alone on this. Many Network Marketing Companies share this. USANA is still teaching the USANA distributors the traditionally way of building their MLM enterprise.

They will tell you to write out 100 names of your family, friends and invite them to your home gathering or exclusive business get-together. They will teach you the 3ft rule. Off course you have to attend the weekly seminar and conference call.

What they will not spend time in teaching you is the concept called “branding.” To really make money with the USANA business opportunity, you have to develop into a brand.

Ever wonder why someone like Rita Hui makes the most amount of money in USANA business in reasonably short period of time? It is because she is a brand. Even though she did it the traditional way, the fact is that that she falls in less than 1% of the total Network marketing professionals out there. So where does that leave you and I?

How do you become a brand?

You need to master the art of marketing. It is remarkable to me that many Network marketers forget the word “marketing” in Network Marketing. Even those that remembers are marketing the wrong thing.

So what should you market?

In my opinion, USANA Inc. is doing a good job of marketing herself. You have to market “You Inc.” People will engage in business with people. People will enter your organization not because of how fantastic your vitamins or meal replacements are. Every other MLM companies out there also have great products. But they will join because of YOU.

In the traditional methods of running an MLM business, branding takes 3-5 yrs or more for those that take action. Branding has become extremely easy in this internet age.

Source by Shola O Abitogun

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