The gases that absorb radiation are called greenhouse gases. The greenhouse gases include the gases such as carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, ozone, or water vapor that contribute to the warming of the atmosphere of the Earth by reflecting radiation from the surface of the Earth. They keep the Earth warm. They naturally exist in the atmosphere, heating the atmosphere of the Earth by trapping energy that originally comes from the Sun. Due to this, the temperature of the Earth increases. This is known as the greenhouse effect. The greenhouse gases play the vital role in raising the temperature of the Earth. If the greenhouse gases are not there on the surface of the Earth, the Earth would be as cold as the surface of the Moon. The temperature would be around -18 degree Celsius. Actually, the characteristic surface temperature of the Earth is around 15 degree Celsius. It is now worried that the warming effects are being lamentably increased, inducing climate changes and melting of polar icecaps.
All the countries are keenly watching the warming effect. Almost all the countries are taking effort to measure the climatic changes taking places in the globe; however, the measurement is clearly showing that the global climate is keep on changing. In the past 100 years, the atmosphere of the Earth has warmed up by about half a degree Celsius. In addition, during this time human beings have also been released extra greenhouse gases. These gases have been produced as a result of burning the fossil fuels like coal, gas, and oil.
It is evident that the artificial emissions of greenhouse gases, by the activity of increased use of fossil fuels, are accountable for some of the warming of the global climate during the 20th century. The additional greenhouse gases present in the atmosphere absorb more energy and consequently increase the greenhouse effect. Due to this, the global temperature can raise further.
Besides by burning the fossil fuels, the greenhouse gases are also produced by the exhausts of motor vehicles. The destruction of rain forests is also responsible for the release of carbon dioxide, which in turn causes global warming. There are also many other natural ways by which the climate can be changed. The gases released from active volcanoes mix with the water vapor present in the air to create aerosols, and cool the atmosphere. The changes in the energy of the Sun and the flow of the ocean also affect the climate of the Earth. If the Earth keeps on to warm as predicted by the climate models, the temperature of the surface of the Earth may be three degree Celsius warmer than the current temperature by the year 2100. Due to this sudden change in the temperature, many ecosystems would get affected; which in turn affects many species of animals and plants. Since the climate change will affect rainfall, sea level, and storm events, the human beings will severely be affected by these factors. This climatic change will also affect food crops, rain forests, and water supplies. Ultimately, the health of the human beings will be affected.
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