What if we have no food to eat and oxygen to breathe? Our lives could be so hard. As per the simple proverb “As you sow, so shall you reap” we are standing on the cliff of risky climatic conditions. The climate which we are experiencing right now expected to happen in some 2050 but our pollution and global warming contribution has created the biggest mistake. Even the penguins in Antarctica have started to walk in moss so be aware of the climatic change which we are going through.
Your itsy-bitsy part
“The decisions of our past are the architects of our present”. Some of the worrisome decisions which we have made in the past are the result of our present living. Let us just leave what happened in past and work on future without blaming others. I am not here to tell you the same old pieces of stuff which a number of environmentalists and scientists are already speaking of. Here are some of the initiatives which we can try to do for saving our planet.
Grow trees in pot
If you really don’t like the concept of growing trees in streets because there are no places then I really agree with your point. Like me you could not have seen any mud spots in roads for growing trees, why waste time on growing outside your territory? Just get a small-sized pot and plant some high oxygen delivering trees like neem and nurture it.
Say bye to plastic bags
Many countries are saying no to plastic bags but we people are making the same mistake again and again by throwing wastes of plastic and bags which spoil our environment. Get some of the trendy shopping bags in your online shopping websites and utilize it.
Create your own take away waste bags
If you are in urgent need of throwing some waste papers or tissues after eating, better get prepared for it. Take a small bag and always keep it in your bag pack where ever you go. Put all the wastes inside it and properly dispose it in public dustbins.
Be responsible
Don’t be lethargic like you are not a reason for all these happenings. Remember if a catastrophe occurs, our vehicle pollution is also responsible for huge iceberg’s melting in Antarctica. The pollution which we are creating is the main reasons for a huge crack in icebergs and the sudden appearance of waterfalls in Antarctica.
If you are not aware of happenings around you then our generation will see all the graphical images of San Andrea’s, 2020 in real-time. Are you ready to face all the natural calamities? I hope you are really not ready because am not ready to die either. Save the planet for upcoming generation to live and cherish. Put your effort to save our planet.
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