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Targeted Prayer Points for Our Military (That Bring Results)

Targeted Prayer Points for Our Military (That Bring Results)


Unfortunately, with our lives running at break-neck speed, prayer often flat-lines or we are at a loss for what to pray. We often settle for vague prayers that ask little of God. God never settles for less than His best and neither should we. We have a big God, who can handle big requests.

Simple but Strategic:

Prayers for our military need not be elaborate containing long-winded sentences with fancy words weaved throughout. Who are we trying to impress? We aren’t talking to a professor of nuclear energy, but to a relational and loving heavenly Father. When it comes to prayer, God wants our heart not poetic words. With targeted prayer points we pray with confidence using God’s Word, being specific, with simple language. Praying is simply talking to God straight from your heart as if you’re talking to a close family member.

Use God’s Word:

One of the books of the Bible I enjoy incorporating into my prayer journal is the book of Psalms. That way when I’m traveling I can take them with me, or in those extra busy seasons or during stressful times I have prayers ready. Take Psalm 34:7 for example. I write in my journal: “The angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear [ reverence and honor ] him, and delivers them” (NRSV). Then I would write my response to that verse: Thank You, Lord, for Your promise of protection in fearful or problematic situations. Then I continue with my prayer bringing in other verses of Scripture and using the tips below.

Here are six examples of targeted prayer points you can pray for our armed forces or your service member:

Targeted Prayer Point Example #1: Pray for a Sound Mind

Ask God to keep your military member’s mind clear of negative thoughts. Pray that anxiety doesn’t steal their peace or contentment. Ask God to shield him/her from Satan’s schemes of deception so they can discern God’s voice from the enemy’s voice.

Targeted Prayer Point Example #2: Plans of Evil Be Exposed

Pray that no weapon fashioned against our military prosper. Ask God to reveal evildoers and their wicked plans. Pray that military leaders will be painstakingly attentive, industrious, and persistent to uncover any threats to our service members, military bases and our country. Pray that our enemies be as insignificant as “grass atop housetops” (Psalm 129). Ask God to “cut the cords of the wicked” (Psalm 129:4).

Targeted Prayer Point Example #3: For God to be our Service Member’s Defender/Keeper

Instead of just asking God to keep your service member safe. Ask Him to show Himself mighty on behalf of those who have placed their trust in Him. “Those who love me, I will deliver; [ defend ] I will protect those who know my name… ” (Psalm 91:14-16). As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the Lord surrounds his people… ” (Psalm 125:1-2). Ask the Lord to surround your military member’s life with His mighty protection.

Targeted Prayer Point Example #4: Our Military Leaders

Ask God for a faith-revival to take place in the hearts of our military leaders. Pray that they will yield to God’s influence, authority, and power. And pray they would lead with integrity and in godly example to keep our country’s reputation honorable. Psalm 33:12 says, “Happy is the nation whose God is the LORD… “

Target Prayer Point Example #5: God’s Healing:

War creates injuries-to bodies and to souls. Ask God to heal internal injuries of broken emotions, crushed spirits, and impaired minds. “He heals the brokenhearted, and binds up their wounds” (Psalm 147:2). Pray that your service member will seek the right kind of medical help combined with God’s touch for a complete healing.

Targeted Prayer Point Example #6: For Wisdom in Decision Making

Ask God to give them wisdom in the decisions they make. Bring understanding into the situation so wisdom leads to a right course of action. “If any of you is lacking in wisdom, ask God, who gives to all generously and ungrudgingly, and it will be given you” (James 1:5). Pray for the Holy Spirit to reveal what has been unknown, so correct judgments can be made. “Plans are established by taking advice; wage war by following wise guidance” (Proverbs 20:18).

I wished I had known about praying strategically when we were a young military family just starting out. But I can tell you that when I began praying in this way, it made all the difference. I gained a sense of peace that I had adequately covered my husband and children in prayer. And God answered those prayers, not always in the way I wanted, but in the way that was best. God does reward those who diligently seek Him (Heb.11:6).

If you long for your prayers to be more effective with peace for your heart, use targeted prayer points.


Source by Lisa N Phillips

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