The technologies for which you are hoping for on may be all the rage now, but the question is will anyone remember it this next year? Trends in the different technologies are fading quickly as we see lots of advancements are rolling out a lightning speed.
Which trend in 2018 will continue in the year 2019?
Let’s have a look at some hot trends in the market that many offshore software Development companies are following
• Blockchain Technology
• Artificial Intelligence
• Progressive Web applications
• Low code Development
• Security
Blockchain Technology
Due to the Bitcoin revolution, Blockchain gained its popularity in the technology market. Now, most of the companies and industries are adopting the Blockchain technology so rapidly. The blockchain is basically describing a technology that enables peer to peer network of connected devices to store the data rather than computers fixed at some specific locations. This development in the blockchain technology provides much faster transaction and authentication without expensive intermediaries.
Many companies in the software development like healthcare are looking for applications in administrations, supply chain and medical data to make their process effective and streamlined. The tip for the startups in the Blockchain technology is to watch the BlockPass, bitTicket, and ALTR by the leaders in the Blockchain development like IBM, Amazon, and Oracle. These leading companies are introducing the Blockchain platforms.
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial intelligence and machine learning also continue to gains their importance in the year 2018. Some reports show that nearly 40% of the businesses and brands will automate their process as early as next year. By the integration of Artificial intelligence solutions for the executions of some specific task, these businesses will get the competitive edge and will provide the higher quality services for their customers.
Practical applications of artificial intelligence include voice responsive home assistant applications, insight services, smartphones and big data applications. Big brands like Google, Facebook and slack are the leaders in the development of Artificial intelligence. The recent plan of Google is to base their algorithm on artificial technology in the near future. The startups in the artificial intelligence to watch: Element artificial intelligence and UIPath.
Progressive Web applications
PWAs (progressive web applications) are actually websites and web pages but they look like the conformist applications or native apps. This application offers the latest and best features of browsers technology. Gartner listed the Progressive web applications in its report of software technology trend. These applications gained a strong steam and expected to continue in the upcoming years as well.
For providing the equal level of user experience Google has begun the development of browser features that will perform like the mobile applications. Progressive web applications are less complex in the development and also maintain the conventional mobile application that adds to their popularity. To offer easy accessibility to broader base customers many companies like healthcare and banking are using the progressive web applications.
Low Code Development
Low code development (LCD) is overtaking the conventional waterfall method of application development because the latter is the labor-intensive effort. With the help of low code development in the industry many small and repetitive tasks of development are automated and this disappears the team of developers and technical analysts. According to the PC magazine report about low code development following are some of the best platforms: Appian, Medix, Google App Maker and Power Apps. The magazine also claimed that the top use of low code development includes the database applications, micro-services applications, and Omni-channel platforms.
The different headlines report the cyber-attacks on very large firms but small and medium-size companies and startups acknowledge the need for software security. A study by Institute revealed that 60% of small and medium-sized brands face the cyber-attacks.
If your business is utilizing the internet and you are having a website then there is a strong chance of cyber-attack at your business or brand. Most of the attacks occurred via automated vulnerable software.
In the upcoming years, software development will be more exciting than ever. So, what lies ahead? These are hot 5 trends in the software development that will be carried in the year 2019 and most probably beyond this. Besides these technologies, there are many other technological advancements that can benefit your business in the near future. If you are running software Development Company these are the key trends that u can’t skip.
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