Home AI Learning The Amazing Passap Knitting Machine

Learning The Amazing Passap Knitting Machine

Learning The Amazing Passap Knitting Machine


The first genuine handknitting machine made its debut in 1939 on the occasion of the Swiss National Exhibition. It had been constructed by Ernst Luchsinger, helped by an emigrant from Hungary.Although the use of this knitting machine involved a fair amount of hand work, results were 5 to 8 times faster than by pure handknitting.

Right from the beginning, E. Luchsinger sold his hand knitting machines under the brand name of PASSAP which is an abbreviation of PAtent Schnell Strick AParat, meaning something (like “patented quick knitting apparatus”).

The development of the ELECTRONIC 6000 was the greatest and most costly challenge of the 60 years of PASSAP history. Its development posed not only a formidable challenge to MADAG’s engineers, it also was a giant leap into new technologies. Finally all obstacles were overcome and the result was the state-of-the-art electronic knitting machine in its time.

The Passap E 6000 knits precisely what you tell it to, perfectly with the unique dialog computer which communicates with you. What is important is that you learn to speak Passap so you can communicate with the console. Since it is very precise, there is a learning curve to get comfortable with the programming of the console so you get the exact result you want.

The electronics on the knitting console asks you a series of simple questions. They are not in the usual sequence that we are used to and do not answer why or how so patience on your part is needed.

When you understand the step by step format of the console and the questions it asks, it will get easier to learn the programming so you avoid the error messages and accomplish the pattern and technique input into the computer.

The computer shows the choices and you decide if you want to accept them.

There is no point in wishing that the manual was written more clearly. We have to work with what we have and get used to the flow the way the console is set up and the sequence of the questions that are asked. Once you have achieved the knowledge of the sequence, your knitting on the Passap will be much easier.

The learning curve is a bit steep, but certainly doable so I want to encourage you to stay with it until you get to the breakthrough moments and gain the confidence to know you can tackle this marvelous machine.


Source by Marjorie J McDonald

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