Home Environment Importance of Recycling And Reusing Glass Bottles

Importance of Recycling And Reusing Glass Bottles

Importance of Recycling And Reusing Glass Bottles


One of the best methods to save environmental pollution is by recycling glass bottles and jars. Environment pollution is aggravated due to landfills and the problem is increasing day by day. Recycling and reusing of glass, plastic and other materials is among the best ways to reduce pollution and wastages. Bottles which are used can be recycled and reused effectively. Today there are many companies dedicated to the task of recycling and reusing these products for environmental benefits.

There are many advantages of recycling and reusing these bottles and jars. Some of the most important benefits include the following:

Save Energy: One of the best advantages of recycling these bottles is that it helps to save energy spent for manufacturing new bottles. The used bottles are crushed, melted and processed to manufacture new products. This helps to save considerable amount of energy in the form of oil and coal.

Environment Friendly: As old bottles are recycled, it requires less energy for manufacturing new bottles which in turn reduces the usage of raw materials and energy. Low consumption of energy indicates lesser pollution in the environment. By reducing the production of fresh glass, it is possible to reduce environmental pollution to a great extent.

Modern Technologies: The reuse of bottles is considered to be beneficial as there are many depots which utilize modern technologies to recycle the bottles in a cost effective way.

Save Landfill Space: By recycling bottles it is possible to reduce landfills. Today modern glass recycling depots focus on the recycling process to reduce landfills and thereby save the environment from pollution.

Pros and Cons of Recycling and Reusing:

However, most people prefer to reuse bottles instead of recycling it as recycling involves complicated process whereas reusing is quite easy. To reuse bottles, simple cleaning of the bottles is sufficient.

Moreover glasses of different colors can seldom be recycled together. It is important to recycle glasses of the same color together which can be quite a tedious task. The color of each bottle determines its chemical composition and different colored bottles include different chemical composition. Most often, there are separate collection bins for red, green and blue colored bottles.

But by reusing bottles for a large period of time reduces its strength and efficiency when it is used with carbonated drinks such as beer and soda. The strength of the bottles can be recovered by recycling it. With frequent use, bottles can deteriorate over time and therefore most people prefer recycling of bottles. Reusing bottles requires large amount of fresh water for cleaning processes. Bottles which are recycled also undergo various purification processes.

Today different depots function in different ways to recycle bottles. Various techniques and fuel efficiency methods are utilized by these companies to reduce pollution and recycle products.

Both recycling and reusing bottles have pros and cons which need to be considered while using glass bottles. Today there are various depots in different countries all over the world to recycle and reuse bottles.


Source by Anamika Swami

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