Home StartUp Global Verge Review – Can Global Verge Live Up to the Hype?

Global Verge Review – Can Global Verge Live Up to the Hype?

Global Verge Review – Can Global Verge Live Up to the Hype?


Global Verge is a new company launching very soon, with plans on changing the cell phone industry, and offering better pricing and products then what currently exists on the market for its caliber. This global verge review will be offering my perspective on whether it’s a scam, or legitimate opportunity for you to earn a solid income in the home based business industry.

First off, I have been fortunate enough to build several organizations within the network marketing industry into the multiple thousands, and in very short periods of time. So I definitely have some back ground when it comes to this industry.

And from what I’ve seen, there are several different factors that have the BIGGEST influence on whether a company like global verge will be able to gain serious traction, or whether they will fail. This review is dedicated to giving you those facts.

Fact #1: No company can get up and off the ground running UNLESS they have a UNIQUE product, a unique marketing position, and the right LEADERSHIP standing behind them.

In this sense, I think there is some strong potential for Global Verge. The reason why is they have a unique product coming to market, that is already in HIGH USE all over the world (who doesn’t use cell phones), and there is little competition in the market place.

Most of the time, that’s the type of story that can really thrive in network marketing, and early distributors can build big businesses off the initial buzz and energy. That looks very good for Global Verge.

Fact #2: A network marketing company is literally MEANINGLESS, unless the right people are standing behind it. Literally, if you don’t have the right leaders in the field, who have COMMANDING influence over their networks… then a company will grow like molasses.

However, if global verge can tap into BIG distributors, and recruit some people with great influence in the industry, it’s likely their message will spread faster, wider, and more powerfully. It ALL rests on the hands of the distributors, no matter how great your product is.

Again, I think Global Verge may have something here. The people who I know, who I respect tremendously for their accomplishments in life and business, are excited about Global Verge. It appears to be gaining the attention of some industry leaders, and that’s ALWAYS a necessity for a start up company.

In any case, my review on this company thus far is looking pretty promising. HOWEVER, I will say one more thing.

Fact #3: Any business, global verge included, is literally USELESS to the starting out marketer… unless you KNOW how to market, how to generate leads, and the PRINCIPLES behind succeeding in this industry first.

I have watched plenty of people fall on their faces, regardless of their products or companies, because they simply do not KNOW how to market, or build their businesses FIRST. Your job as an entrepreneur is to EDUCATE yourself first and foremost, to develop yourself, and to ALWAYS be learning and growing.

This is the true formula for success, and leads to most good in the long run. If you follow that formula, and really SEEK knowledge to market your business like a professional… then you will have major advantages over most Global Verge Distributors.


Source by Jonathan Budd

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