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Free Electricity is Possible With a Magnetic Generator!

Free Electricity is Possible With a Magnetic Generator!


Not had time to spread information about the technology of free energy of Professor LI Szabo, editors learned that Mike Brady began to move its magnetic engine perendev on the market. To obtain first hand information, was to meet in Munich, during which it became clear something extremely surprising.


This event refresh your memory of the first editors of the time getting acquainted with such invention. Each of them dealt with the free energy, even before his acquaintance with each other, independently of each other at a distance of thousands of miles, but with one aim: to contribute to the solution of environmental problems and prevent the dangerous consequences for mankind of old energy economy.

In 1982, Inge Schontal later Schneider read a book “The conversion of magnetic field energy of gravity – the revolution in technology, medicine, society, written by Dr. Hans Nipper (Dr. Hans Nieper, Konversion von Schwerkraftfeldenergie – Revolution in Technik, Medizin, Gesellschaft “), and this was always interested in her. Being a female member of the working group, it investigated the discovery of Rudolf Tsinsera ( “Effect Tsinsera”), Raymond CRAMRA and Ernst Christen, who stood at the origins of the concept of magnetic motors and promised a group of one such engine for autonomous electricity supply to their homes.

Unfortunately, until this case had not gone, because he was already ill, but in his laboratory, women were able to see some secret apparatus. Already at that time he traveled by car, fuel for which through the use of rare earths at 50% was extracted from water. Ernst Christen introduced this car in Yupiterskom Congress in Aeshi, shortly before his death, but that’s another story. During the participation in women’s working group Inge also went to Munich on an electric motorbike, described by Dr. Nipper in his book. Culminating demonstration and testing of existing machinery, which produces free energy Testatika der Methernitha, to this day remains a mystery.

As Adolf Schneider already in the early seventies under the doctrine of alternative concepts of motors and energy to the book “The visitors from outer space” (1973) he used the information from the magazines “boundless energy ( Energy Unlimited) and other U.S. publications, learning about the revolutionary possibilities of magnetic motors. Already at that time he had this collection of patents on magnetic motors, among others, the patent of Howard R. Johnson, and in 1981 he attended the first conference organized by the “German Union of the magnetic field energy due to gravity, on” The Conversion of magnetic energy gravity field.

Editors met in 1986 during a lecture by Dr. V. Folkrodta devoted to new and antique innovative technologies for the extraction of energy held in Schlieren near Zurich. Inge learned about this lecture by Dr. Hans-Juerg Landolt, who was one of the “godfathers” of the Union. Whatever it was, from that moment they parted, and at the same time, the issue of free energy and new techniques for generating it, as the magnetic motor, identified in the future of their shared personal and professional lives.

For twenty years, as they founded the publishing house “Jupiter”, they explore the opening at home and abroad, hold a congress, write books, publishers of Internet-based magazine “- thus they were able to arouse interest in the company of JSC TransAltek” the practical application such technologies, they created the concept of the new equipment, which create themselves on the model or to make an order for its creation, donated funds to support inventors, do not expect more than anyone. Often they reach the edge of despair when they could not understand how to translate their knowledge into practice and then nothing left but frustration, but here in 2006/2007 finally come to pass long-awaited breakthrough.

Prior to that already reported on developments in the field of magnetic motors with higher capacity of Professor LI Szabo.

As for the engine perendev, at first it has failed. Mike Brady was first officially introduced him in 2005 at the congress “New Hope for Earth and Humanity”, organized by the publishing house “Jupiter” in Bregenz, but only in the form of video, which greatly disappointed participants. He appointed a big presentation on July 7, 2006 in hotel “Arabella-Sheraton in Munich for the attendance at which everyone had to pay 100 Euro, but that was soon abolished. There were rumors that the engine is not ready. Asked about the reasons for the abolition of the presentation, Mike Brady, the editors explained their actions.

In the interview you can find a full explanation. Later, he gave an interview to Sterling B. Alain, the owner of the website of the devices, generating energy of magnetic fields. In this interview was felt that the engines perendev will be presented at the international market. However, optimism is not added, continued to circulate. But when at a conference in Horne told members of the existing apparatus perendev, and in late March, business partner called and said that in the garden of one of his friend is the engine perendev of 100 kW and provide electricity to the house, it was time to act. The editors agreed with Mike Brady of the meeting, and April 4, he took them in his house in the quarter Grünwald near Munich, to give an interview.

Born in 1949 in South Africa, attended school there and received his education in the field of informatics. Throughout his life he was interested in the technology of engines, took part in racing and has a license for piloting. Early enough, he was interested in alternative engines, capable of producing more power. Because of their natural curiosity, he became an inventor, and worked on the improvement of many inventions, such as helicopter, electric generator, magnetic motors and engines running on liquid nitrogen.

As an inventor, he firmly believes in the limitless possibilities of the human ability to create. To date he has created prototypes of the engine with the eternal magnets, as well as liquid nitrogen.

The concept of magnetic engine, production has now become possible, has its roots in 1969, when the inventor built the first functioning version of a wooden cage. Engine barely functioned, but still drew up a small capacity, which, primarily due to the low magnetic force is used then the magnet. And yet, the inventor has become abundantly clear that the creation of magnetic generator generating mechanical power, which can be converted by the generator connected to electric energy, is possible in principle.


Source by Borisenko Stanislav

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