Environmental Remediation: What Bioremediation Can Do That Others Can’t

Nature has always managed to find a way to maintain the balance that is essential for life, even when it comes to environmental remediation. Since the beginning of time, bioremediation has been nature’s preferred way of restoring balance to soils and groundwater. In today’s environment, the tremendous increase in man-made contaminates has made bioremediation more essential than ever before.

Environmental Remediation Consultants (ERC), uses Bio-Integration as a bioremediation strategy, using bacteria that are pure strain, single genus cells originally isolated from oil drilling muds. These organisms breathe using dioxygen or other electron acceptors in their metabolism. Inorganic co-treatments are added as required to support growth. Vapor intrusion is also suppressed through the use of these co-treatments.

Treatments are customized to site conditions, blending the right mix of bacteria and co-treatments. Each mix is determined by soil conditions and contaminant profiles. The cells are grown and inoculated in concentrations that ensure good population growth. Soils and groundwater are cleaned simultaneously. This technology has been accepted by the EPA for Innovative Treatment Technologies, and by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection for all three of it’s contaminate categories.

All forms of hydrocarbons, including chlorinated organics, are easily and quickly degraded. This list includes crude oil, fuels, BTEX, MTBE, TCP, dry cleaning fluids (PCE), TCE, coal tar, dioxins, PCB’s, and more.

Unlike antiquated, traditional cleanup methods, Bio-Integration does not disrupt ongoing businesses. It can be conducted under buildings, highways, and parking lots without disturbing their integrity. Containment barriers aren’t needed, nor are NPDES permits. No volatilization occurs, eliminating the need for air quality monitors or emission controls.

At Environmental Remediation Consultants (ERC), Bio-Integration remediations are complete, effective and fast. Costs average considerably less than traditional strategies. Once remediation is complete the only end products are carbon dioxide and water. Any remaining bacteria eventually die, as the food source (contaminate) is gone, or become food for higher life forms.

Source by Douglas Greaves

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