In every human being there is source of divine energy called kundalini which mainly remains in dormant state in the individual, but when the kundalini energy arises and awake the seeker make rapid progress in the field of spirituality.
There are many similarities between microcosm’s human body and macrocosm entire universe. All elements, all things present in universe are also present in the physical body. The planets and celestial bodies exert astrological vibrations upon our physical body which further influence our personality and spirituality. In a layman language we can say that at subconscious level the solar system is our larger body and the human body acts as a miniature solar system.
According to Indian astrology the essence of soul is influenced by the placement and power of Sun in the horoscope. Moon affects the mind, Mars influences the blood, Mercury affects speech and intellect, Jupiter denotes knowledge, Venus linked with seminal fluid and Saturn is the agent of mysterious experiences in the life.
The seat of kundalini is the point where Capricorn and Aquarius meet in the Root chakra where as the sign Leo and Cancer intersect at the Third eye or Ajna chakra. The psychic kundalini passage is denoted by the nodal axis with North Pole as Root chakra and South Pole as Ajna chakra.
Astrological factors influencing a kundalini yogi:
Kundalini Shakti axis:Rahu/Ketu nodes indicates serpentine kundalini power axis. Rahu represents ego and physical body its desires and gratification and placed at North Pole or the Root chakra. Ketu on the other hand represents renunciation, liberation and ultimate freedom from material affairs resented by South Pole of Crown chakra. When Rahu succeeds in turning its purpose from material gratification and raises its level to the spirituality of Ketu, rising of kundalini power begins. In this mystical journey Rahu from the root chakra unify with the Ketu at Crown chakra for enlightenment.
Mooladhar or Root chakra: Saturn, earth element,gives physical shape to our body; equivalent endocrine glands are sex and gonads.
Swadisthana or naval chakra: Jupiter, water element, rules feelings and sexuality
Hara or Manipur Chakra:Mars, fire element, will power, rules power and action.
Anahata or Heart chakra:Venus, air element, thymus gland, indicates universal love.
Visudhi or Throat chakra:ether as element, Mercury, thyroid and parathyroid, rules awareness of a person.
Ajna or Third eye chakra:no element, Sun/Moon, pituitary gland, indicates self realization.
Sahastrara or Crown chakra: penal gland, the seeker is being eternally established in oneness of the God.
8th house: indicates mystical and secret techniques of spiritual advancement.
Scorpio/Cancer/Pisces: are water signs represents moksha.
4th/8th/12th house:are salvation houses.
Planetary conditions in Horoscope responsible for Kundalini Awakening: –
- Jupiter posited in 8th house or related with 8th house or more planets placed in 8th house indicates advancement in kundalini yoga.
- Venus and lord of 10th house are related by square/conjunction/trine/opposition/aspect/association /Parivartan
- Venus related to Jupiter/Saturn
- Sun and Jupiter are influenced by Moon/Rahu
- Rahu falling in fire signs [Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius] indicates quick advancement towards mystical powers and attainment of powerful siddhis.
- Placement of Saturn in tenth house from Ascendant or Moon indicates rapid spiritual progress.
- Saturn related to Sun indicates sudden rise in spiritual field which sometimes demands sacrifice at some stage of life.
- Jupiter and Saturn trine/quadrant to each other indicates
- Lords of 9th and 10th house are related in any way indicates spiritual advancement.
- The Atma Karaka [planet in the highest degree in the horoscope] will fall in moksha or salvation houses [4th, 8th, and 12th] and libration signs [Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces] indicate higher spiritual awareness.
- Atma Karaka falling in watery signs in Navamansa chart indicates final libration, because a water sign represents dissolution or merging with infinite.
- Placement of Jupiter and Ketu or Moon and Ketu in 12th house indicates attainment of very higher spiritual plane after death.
- In a horoscope, if the number of conditions applicable is more than one then the kundalini awakening becomes easier and fast.
Case study of a great kundalini yogi Raman Maharishi:
Shri Raman Maharishi [December 30, 1879–April 14, 1950] was born to a Tamil Brahmin family in Tamil Nadu, was a spiritual master and a well versed kundalini yogi.
The basic details of horoscope of Raman maharishi are:
Ascendant -Libra–nil
2nd house-Scorpio-Mercury and Venus
3rd house-Sagittarius-Sun and Rahu
4th house-Capricorn-nil
5th house-Aquarius-nil
6th house-Pisces-Saturn
7th house-Aries-Mars
8th house-Taurus-nil
9th house-Gemini-Moon and Ketu
10th house-Cancer-nil
11th house-Leo-Jupiter
12th house-Virgo-nil
Astro analysing the horoscope of Raman Maharishi:
- Saturn placed 10th from the Moon indicates sanyasi yoga.
- Sun and Saturn are quadrant to each other indicates spirituality.
- From Moon ascendant 9th lord Saturn and 10th lord Jupiter are making mahayoga by exchange of places.
- Rahu falls in fiery sign Sagittarius indicates advancement in kundalini yoga.
- Sun is influenced by Rahu and Moon denotes mystical insight.
- Raman took the sanyas at the age of 17 in the Mahadasa of Saturn and sub period of Mars.
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