As anyone who has been on a diet knows that the first couple of days can be exhilarating. You are excited at the potential results you are going to gain, it something new to your mundane routine and you have a sense of self empowerment actively taking control of your body. You think this is going to be great! And I can’t wait until I get into that summer dress again. I am going to look so good!
Then somewhere along the line, the diet becomes a burden. Usually this happens around the middle of your new diet program. This is an experience we all have had at some point. Small setbacks or disappointment in your expected results can turn into huge source of concerns and we get discouraged and depressed about our weight loss. Then we start questioning ourselves. Am I doing it right? What is wrong with me? Why have I not lost more weight? You either tend to blame yourself or blame the diet or maybe both.
This is a normal response to any diet regime. It is an emotional roller coaster. What you have to remember is this is a process that has natural highs and lows and your body will react to your new regime differently for each day of your diet program. This is absolutely normal and you should not give up or blame yourself at all. You are taking an important step toward greater health and your body and mind have to adjust to these changes you are employing. No one really likes change and neither does your body. You might even experience a rebellion from your own internal system.
But take heart, your body will catch up and get with the program after it surrenders to the new way of being. Likely, sugar, salt and fat cravings are the most difficult to deal with on a moment to moment basis during the day. The body will crave and go through withdrawals for these things which can cause mood swings, depression, even headaches.
This is where you can get stuck in your new diet regime.
A favourite trick to combat craving is to stop and analyze what your body is really craving. For example if you are craving sugar, it means your body natural sugar levels may be a little low. Instead of grabbing a decadent candy bar, go for natural sugars like the sweet fruits of apples, oranges, pears. Salt craving can indicate a withdrawal of essential minerals of sodium and water. Sometimes salt cravings are the body way of telling you that you are getting dehydrated. Having a carafe of water with a couple of grains of organic salt crystals and lemon juice near by will do the trick. You can even have this in a bottle near your desk at work, so there is no excuse. There are lots of ways to trick the mind and satisfy what the body needs at the same time.
It hard to get over the mid journey challenge when you are trying so hard to achieve your goals. The greatest and most vital organ in any diet regime is your brain. Getting control over negative thinking, self criticisms and self defeating sabotage can be the culprit to crashing any good diet deed. Sometimes our expectations are too high. It is natural to want to make huge gains with little effort yet our expectations can be changed to reflect a more gentle approach to our diet goals. Create realistic expectations and remember that this is a process not a race. Each day can bring great gains and advance confidence and empowerment. All too often people just do not celebrate themselves enough. If you only lost half a pound instead of 2 pounds that you expected, it is not a failure. Celebrate the half pound weight loss. It is a great feat and better than gaining 10 pounds, so pat yourself on the back , jump for joy-literally, look in the mirror and smile with the pride of kings and queens. You will feel much better.
Another way to get unstuck is to start a diet journal. You can pour your private thoughts and pet peeves into the journal. You can have some great breakthroughs to discover why you continue a certain eating habit or even fall upon some wonderful self-discoveries and ideas that could empower your diet program. These are just a few ways for you to get unstuck and take control of your diet program toward great success.
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