Home Space After Electronic Attack – What or Whom is Left to Fight

After Electronic Attack – What or Whom is Left to Fight

After Electronic Attack – What or Whom is Left to Fight


Since part of fighting a successful initial air-war consists in disrupting the enemies supply lines, communication, command and control and its anti-aircraft defense systems electronic attacks are an important tactic. But once the defending army is rendered without such tools or military hardware after the first wave of sorties and the electronic attack, what is left for them to fight with?

Often not much and as chaos ensues each sub-unit of the defending army is on it’s own and without its prize military hardware that has been eliminated they are left to fight with little more than garden hand tools. Most shoulder launched man-portable missiles are full of electronics and thus a strong electronic attack often renders the tiny missiles in the tubes as duds.

Shooting a dud at an attack plane or attack helicopter will most likely be the last thing that soldier does as the attack aircraft comes back around or the attack helicopter launches its own rockets in retaliation, by then it is too late to hide and too late to run.

At this point surrender might be a wise choice for the defending infantry that has survived up until this point, for some enemies with stronger nationalistic pride this maybe out of the question entirely. Thus the offensive armies will have to finish what has been started. Still, in urban areas we notice that insurgencies and hold outs will use small arms, IEDs and rocket propelled grenades. Some cultures resort to suicide missions.

For all these reasons it makes sense too incorporate robotic unmanned systems to locate, detonate or de-activate roadside bombs using sensors, tele-robotics and sniffers. The advancing offensive army should do the responsible thing to cut down on losses using high-tech systems. Robotic Systems are already being used on unmanned ground vehicles to locate the direction of incoming fire from snipers and then return accurate fire to eliminate the threat (s).


Source by Lance Winslow

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