Hydroponic system is one of the most widely accepted procedures for cultivation around the world, and as a result brings in tremendous success that makes it more credible as a future prospect. Hydroponic procedure involves nutrient solutions which are classified into three main types:
1. Static solution culture
2. Continuous flow solution culture
3. Aeroponic
Aeroponic technique:
Aeroponic system brings about a procedure where plant roots are constantly kept in a setting saturated with accurate drops of the nutrient solution. This procedure does not require any substrate and consist of growing crops with the roots made to hang in growth chambers or in deep air with these roots occasionally sprinkled with pure mist of nutrients atomized. The biggest benefit of this technique is the excellent aeration generated through the system.
This technique has been established to be one of the most successful systems for commercial purposes like propagation, seed potato manufacture, seed germination, tomato production, micro greens and leaf crops. Since its commercialization by Richard Stoner who was its inventor in 1983, this technique has been put into practice as a substitute to a system known as water intensive hydroponic throughout the world. The constraint of hydroponic system is that it can hold only 8 mg of normal air in 1kg of water irrespective of aerators being used.
Yet another great benefit of this technique is that, almost any type of crops can be developed and developed in a pure aeroponic atmosphere as the micro atmosphere of aeroponic environment which can be totally controlled. This benefit is brought about by the truth that hanging aeroponic plants obtain 100% of existing carbon dioxide and oxygen to its roots leaves and stems. This accelerates the biomass development and reduces rooting period.
NASA study has comprehended that plant growth in the aerophonic technique have almost 80% boost in lightweight biomass which is an essential element for plant growth. Moreover, this technique uses 65% less consumption of water compared to other hydroponic techniques. NASA has also stated that aerophonically grown plants need one fourth of the nutrient essential when compared to other techniques. Unlike other techniques, aerophonically grown plants would not undergo a transplant shock while transplanting to the soil which allows cultivators the privilege of producing and spreading of pathogens and diseases.
Aerophonics has been extensively used in studies done in laboratories of plant pathology and plant physiology. This technique has been widely accepted and given special credit from NASA as it is much simpler to handle in zero gravity atmosphere. No other technique has been so widely accepted for commercial purposes as the aerophonic technique. A technique like this is always appreciated for outer space operations.
Source by Robert Fogarty
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