Closed circuit television, or otherwise known as CCTV camera systems, can be seen at present in many shops, stadiums, train stations, offices and even homes and other private venues. A security camera is usually installed in an area to improve the safety of the people by preventing crime or to monitor what happens there. Many people and organisations around the world have learned to take advantage of a CCTV kit and employed it use for various purposes, including research. In fact, it has been decades since men discovered and experienced the benefits of having one. For those who are curious about the history and origin of these monitoring devices, read on.
Back in 1942, surveillance equipment was used to monitor the taking off of rockets and missiles in Germany, which is primarily a military activity. A well-known German engineer designed the device, backed by Siemens AG. The activity was mainly intended for testing, but at present, rocket and space ship launch sites across the world are still installed with monitoring devices so as to help identify areas for improvement and for further sophisticated research. This is highly important, as scientists or engineers could not get too close to any launch site because of the dangers that it imposes to their health. It was in 1949 when CCTV cameras became commercially available in America from a company named Vericon, an organization known to be a contractor for the government.
1950s to 1960s
The dawn of CCTV systems in the United Kingdom began in 1953 during the coronation of the Queen, a prestigious event and one that put a great mark in the history of Britain. Around the 1960s, Metropolitan Police began to use these surveillance devices as a tool to observe people during rallies or events where the Prime Minister or any member of the Royal Family would appear. It was also during this time when video cameras were installed permanently at a number of streets in London and several more counties in England started experimenting with installation of surveillance devices at city centers. Even the British Railways realised the advantage of putting cameras after a part of the tracks was vandalised. New York in America also started to put circuit television in their streets around this time. Since then, countries across Europe and America began to employ this equipment in various ways.
1970s and 1980s
The use of security cameras continued to rise in popularity during the 1970s up to the 1980s. Major roads in London as well as some of the London Underground Stations began to be monitored during the early to mid 70s. They also started installing CCTV security systems at the soccer match venues. During the late 80s, surveillance systems were installed at parking garages and council estates that the local authorities were running. This was not only used to watch the vehicles on the streets, but also to monitor the main rallying venues used for public protest in London.
1990s to Present
At this time, national roads in Britain employed the use of speed cameras so as to keep track of those people driving beyond the speed limit, or those beating the red light. It was a milestone, which made a big difference in traffic enforcement using CCTV systems. Automatic teller machines were also installed with monitoring equipment to prevent theft and other crimes as people use the machines. The government of different countries saw the importance of these devices and allocated budget for the installation and maintenance of these systems on a large scale, forming an important part of their crime prevention efforts. At present, there are over 2.5 million security cameras in United Kingdom alone in order to prevent and detect the occurrence of crime.
Countless people and organizations, both private and public, have enjoyed the advantages of having CCTV camera systems. It has been used in and outside of homes and offices for purposes that range from capturing thieves to catching an unfaithful wife or husband. Businesses use a CCTV kit both in their offices and shops to scare off shoplifters and to protect their employees. Schools, banks, resorts and churches use security camera in order to watch for the safety of the bulk of people that go in and out of these institutions.
Source by Iain Jenkins
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