Today, a lot of products that we use contain harmful chemicals. Therefore, most of these products end up in landfills, which increase air pollution. Apart from this, the number of gasoline-burning automobiles is on the rise. Therefore, it has become even more difficult to reduce air pollution. Air quality is associated with a lot of health conditions, such as global warming and asthma. In this article, we are going to talk about a couple of steps that can help you clean your air.
Step 1: Understand the source of Pollution
According to the reports from the federal Environmental Protection Agency, air pollution in the United States has six primary causes. Besides, there are carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxide, sulfur dioxide, lead, particulate matter, and ground-level ozone.
All of these elements are responsible for causing air pollution. Although ozone protects our planet against the harmful rays of the sun, ground-level ozone is the result of a mixture of volatile organic compounds and nitrogen oxide.
Therefore, we need to make a collective effort to reduce car exhaust emissions, gasoline vapors, and power plant emissions. If you reduce these elements, you can reduce the ground-level ozone.
Step 2: Use your Automobiles only when you have to
Today, automobiles are responsible for creating ground-level ozone. Moreover, the production of gasoline involves burning coal and oil. And this process increases the level of sulfur dioxide, which is one of the major contributors to air pollution.
According to EPA, petroleum refineries generate a lot of sulfur dioxide. Therefore, if you drive your personal vehicle on daily basis, it will create more air pollution. Although you cannot stop using your personal vehicle, you can at least reduce your usage.
Step 3: Keep More Plants in your Home
According to NASA, a lot of houseplants can do a very good job of absorbing carbon monoxide. Some good examples of these plants include English Ivy, Peace Lily, and Gerbera Daily, just to name a few. Basically, the function of these indoor plants is to filter harmful chemicals from the air.
Apart from this, their leaves can absorb toxins through the tiny pores located in their leaves. Besides, they can digest pollution through their stems and roots. Therefore, you can reduce your indoor air pollution significantly by keeping these plants in your home.
Step 4: Use Solar Power Plants
Another important step is to reduce your dependence on electrical utility power plants. According to reports, these power plants are responsible for generating a lot of nitrogen oxide. Therefore, if you shift your domestic power needs to your solar power system, you can do a great job of reducing air pollution.
Long story short, if you follow these 4 steps, you can play your part when it comes to reducing air pollution. Another easy way out is to install a good Olansi air purifier in your house. These units can easily filter polluted particles from your indoor air in an effect.
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