Home 3D Print 10 Questions to Ask Before Buying an Autoclave Online

10 Questions to Ask Before Buying an Autoclave Online

10 Questions to Ask Before Buying an Autoclave Online


If you’re interested in buying an autoclave, you might begin your search for a unit online. The internet is a great resource for finding new and used autoclaves at some of the lowest prices around. But as with anything else, buying an autoclave online comes with some serious risks. That’s why you need to ask these 10 questions before you purchase your unit over the internet.

  1. What’s your reason for selling this autoclave? You want to make sure the seller isn’t getting rid of the autoclave because it no longer works or has serious issues.
  2. Have you maintained the unit properly? Proper autoclave maintenance ensures that old units can enjoy a long lifetime. Make sure the owner has properly maintained all door gaskets, fillers, bellows, and other components. Ask when they most recent servicing was performed.
  3. Are there any leaks in the chamber? An autoclave with a leaky chamber is useless, except for spare parts. So, if the unit you’re looking at has holes in the chamber, don’t buy it.
  4. Have you always used distilled water in this unit? Only distilled water should be used in autoclaves. If tap water has been used, you can expect the unit to have a wide range of issues.
  5. Does the unit properly complete all cycles? Make sure the owner has recently tested the unit to verify that it properly completes all cycles.
  6. Does the autoclave fill correctly? It’s important to make sure the inner chamber fills properly with distilled water.
  7. Have you done any modifications to the unit? Often times, used autoclaves have been modified with special parts and components that are difficult to access and expensive to maintain or repair. It’s not in your best interest to buy a unit that has been modified in any way.
  8. Have you done any repairs to the autoclave? Think of it like getting a vehicle history report before buying a car. It’s important to know which repairs have been done on the unit, so you can spot any serious issues.
  9. Does the autoclave build and maintain the right pressure and temperature? Verify that the unit builds and maintains proper pressure and temperature throughout the entire process just as it was built to do.
  10. Does it have any pressure leaks? If the unit has any leaks, it may not be able to develop and maintain the desired autoclave pressure.

Do your due diligence before buying any autoclave online, and you’ll increase your chances of getting a unit you’ll be satisfied with.


Source by Wally Ashbaugh

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